Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Privacy and Security

Discuss the problem of privacy and the Internet:
Privacy is a big issue in today's technological world.  In the article "Information Privacy: Changing Norms and Expectations" they state that today information now flows freely among radio waves in our wireless devices and along fiber optic cables that connect the evergrowing cloud data servers.  It’s cached, distributed, forwarded, copied, mirrored and indexed. Facebook, Amazon, Yahoo and a host of similar sites all store huge amounts of our personal data.  No one is immune. Even the former director of the CIA can be tracked.  In the name of national security, law enforcement agencies can obtain a search warrant for this metadata.  Facebook privacy is very confusing.  Think twice about posting stuff on Facebook because most likely it could be seen by anybody.  "Possession is nine-tenths of the law." But whom do all of these digital photographs belong to: the person who posed for the photograph, the person in the background, or the person who took the photo.  It is extremely rare for someone to not have a digital print.  Every computer at a minimum should have a firewall and anti-virus software.  Preferably it should also contain anti-malware and anti-spyware programs. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013


How do you think a Twitter conversation compares with Blackboard and Blog conversations. Which do you prefer?  Which company/politician did you follow?  What kind of posts did they have?

In my opinion, Twitter is more of a recreation with limited response page (only 140 characters).  Blogs are more for creating longer responses, articles.  Blackboard are for the university body.  For classroom use/discussions I prefer using blackboard.  For recreation tweets/twitter.  Blogs are more for people with a common interest.
I followed AT&T. They tweeted advertisements for their various services.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Social Media

Sorry for making this last second. I thought this was part B that was due on 3/11/13.

What is social media?
From the article making an Impression social media is new media using Web 2.0 where people interact thru virtual communities or networking where they can share or exchange ideas, such as  audio and video streaming, blogs,  social networking sites, and user-generated content.

I have a facebook account, but I don't put a lot of my own info into it.  Mostly I get alerts from my friends and what they are up too.
I just got a twitter account for this class, and have not used it yet, so can't comment on it, until later on. By the end of the semester I probably will become more diligent of using social media.